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Call for Abstracts  

Joint ITE International and Florida Puerto Rico District  
Annual Meeting and Exhibition 
August 10-13, 2025 

Submission Deadline: Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Meeting Theme: Innovative Pathways to Safer Transportation

ITE is seeking technical abstracts for the Joint ITE International and Florida Puerto Rico District Annual Meeting and Exhibition, being held August 10-13, in Orlando, Florida, at the Hyatt Regency Orlando. The 2025 Annual Meeting will explore both practical solutions and cutting-edge strategies designed to revolutionize safety and mobility in the coming years. 

Safety is the top priority for transportation professionals who plan, design, and operate our transportation systems. There are numerous approaches to enhancing safety, from creating safer plans and systems to implementing cutting-edge engineering designs and utilizing technology to optimize operations. The ITE Annual Meeting and Exhibition provides an ideal platform to share your success stories, lessons learned, and forward-thinking ideas on the innovative pathways to safer transportation with a global audience of transportation experts. This is your opportunity to showcase your work, shape key conversations on both core and emerging topics within ITE and demonstrate how people-centered planning and engineering can continue to make a positive impact on our communities. 

Technical Program Content Development 

ITE continues to build a dynamic technical program featuring inclusive content addressing key topics and emerging trends. We are seeking abstracts that offer practical insights, multidisciplinary approaches, and scalable solutions to today’s most pressing transportation challenges with a focus on the following topic areas:  

  1. Safety: Implementing the Safe System Approach and Vision Zero programs; conducting road safety audits; and designing for vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists.  

  1. Traffic Engineering: Using new strategies in traffic signal operations, emphasizing the balance between safety and mobility; innovative intersection and interchange designs; and use of speed management techniques.  

  1. Planning: Focusing on sustainable, equitable, and transparent transportation planning; incorporating trip and parking generation data in projects; transportation impact analysis; and the integration of planning and engineering for successful project outcomes. 

  1. Complete Streets: Emphasizing creating inclusive street networks for all users; enhancing mobility and accessibility through improved transit services; and developing accessible, healthy, and smart multimodal communities. 

  1. Transportation Operations: Highlighting innovative approaches to incident detection and response; operations for planned and unplanned events; new solutions for urban, suburban, and rural transportation operations; and technology deployment supporting TSMO alternatives to new construction. 

  1. Technology & Innovation: Showcasing data-driven decision-making; the integration of big data, analytics and AI to enhance transportation safety, operations, and services; and ITS applications for rural, underserved, and small communities. 

  1. Cross-Cutting Topics: Addressing resilience in transportation and infrastructure; workforce development and diversity; and innovative approaches to planning, partnerships, and resource management for effective transportation solutions. 

Submission Abstract Formats 

ITE is seeking abstracts that align with one of the following session formats for the 2025 ITE Annual Meeting and Exhibition: 

  1. Technical Presentation: Submit an abstract for an individual presentation on a relevant topic. Accepted presentations may either be combined with others to form a full technical session or be selected fora poster presentation during one of the poster sessions.  

  1. Young Member & Student Poster Presentation: Young members and students are encouraged to submit abstracts for special poster sessions—a great platform to share fresh perspectives and emerging talent. 

  1. Full Technical Session: Submit an abstract for a full technical session, including a full complement of presenters. These sessions may feature a variety of formats, including traditional technical presentations, conversation circles, panel discussions, or mini-workshops. 

  1. Workshop: Propose a full workshop, typically held on Sunday afternoon and lasting four hours. Workshops may focus on interactive learning and, for the first time this year, may be integrated into the technical program. 

Review the Criteria 

  1. Align your abstract with the conference theme: Innovative Pathways to Safer Transportation. 

  1. Use the specified topic areas to guide your content.

  2. Technical sessions that foster audience engagement and interaction are strongly encouraged for consideration.

Note: This process is highly competitive, with many quality abstracts submitted in recent years and not all were accepted for presentation. In order for your submission to be considered, please submit your abstract by Tuesday, December 3, 2024.

How to Submit 

  • If you are either an ITE member, past member, submitted an abstract last year, or know you have an ITE account, click the Log In button to begin the submission process. 

  • If you have never submitted an abstract with ITE and have never been a member, click here to create an account and obtain login credentials. Afterward, return to this page to submit your abstract. 

  • Use the SUBMIT button above to start the submission process. 


  • General questions about the submission process or the meeting? Email Matt Jasnosz